Nautical Star Tattoo - Pictures

Nautical Star Tattoo - Pictures for safe trip on the water

Bon Voyage!Have a Safe trip Home, this is the wish made by the Nautical Star tattoo for all humans . This marine Nautical Star tattoo dates back to the time when the art of tattooing began. Sailors would refer to this North Star as a reference point to sail and reach the shores when the means of navigation was only the celestial help.

They started getting the star tattooed on their forearm (mostly), as a good luck charm that would help them reach their homes safe. Time flies and so did the meaning. Finding your path to success, standing up for anti-racism, a good luck sign are few impressions that individuals have made of the Star.

Whatever you think, this Nautical Star tattoo will always be the proud possession of the sailors, wishing them a Safe Trip, Home.

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