Short post here, checking in on an old thing I blogged about last year. Remember that huge and lovely Midori tattoo, gracing the back of Suehiro Maruo fangirl Beth?

Back then, Evan had spotted her tattoo in a Japanese tattoo magazine at New York's Kinokuniya bookstore. Well, on a Snowblood Apple forum thread, I heard that the same tattoo now graces a tattoo portrait book! The book is called, Permanence: Tattoo Portraits by Kip Fulbeck.

Here is thumbnail of the book cover:

In it, each subject has a hand-written note about the meaning and story behind their tattoo, which is displayed next to their photograph. I tried but wasn't able to view the page with the Maruo tattoo. If anyone has this book or could photograph that page, I'd love to see what Beth said about it...

For a few other manga tattoos, please click the label link below (or here). Do you have an interesting manga tattoo you'd want to share? Send me an email at samehatATgmailDOTcom!

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